
How to Use Sirena Vacuum: A Comprehensive Tutorial

Are you tired of cleaning with a traditional vacuum that doesn’t seem to get the job done? Look no further than the Sirena Vacuum, which utilizes water filtration technology to clean your home more effectively and efficiently. In this tutorial, we’ll go over everything you need to know to use your Sirena Vacuum to its fullest potential.

How to Use Sirena Vacuum

First and foremost, let’s go over the basic steps to use your Sirena Vacuum:

  1. Fill the water basin to the appropriate level indicated on the tank.
  2. Attach the desired attachment to the hose.
  3. Turn on the power switch located on the side of the vacuum.
  4. Begin cleaning!

It’s that simple! The Sirena Vacuum is versatile and can clean any surface, from carpets to hardwood floors to upholstery. The water filtration system ensures that dust and debris get trapped in the water instead of recirculating into the air in your home.

FAQ: How to Use Sirena Vacuum

How often should I change the water in the basin?

It’s recommended to change the water after each use to ensure optimal cleaning performance. However, if you’re cleaning a particularly large or dirty area, you may need to change the water more frequently.

Can I use cleaning solutions with the Sirena Vacuum?

No, the Sirena Vacuum is designed to be used with water only. Using cleaning solutions could damage the water filtration system.

How do I clean the water basin?

After each use, simply empty the water from the basin and rinse with clean water. It’s recommended to thoroughly clean the basin with soap and water once a month to ensure optimal performance.

Key Takeaways

  • The Sirena Vacuum utilizes water filtration technology to clean your home more effectively and efficiently.
  • Simply fill the water basin, attach the desired attachment, turn on the power switch, and begin cleaning!
  • Change the water after each use and clean the basin once a month for optimal performance.
  • Avoid using cleaning solutions with the Sirena Vacuum.


If you’re ready to take your home cleaning game to the next level, the Sirena Vacuum is the way to go. With its water filtration technology and versatility, it’s a game-changer for any cleaning task. Just remember to follow the basic steps outlined in this tutorial and avoid using cleaning solutions. Happy cleaning!

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